

Static members

Static memberDescription
Aggregate(dset, reducer)
Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * reducer:Func<'U,'U,'U>) -> 'U
Type parameters: 'U

Reduces the elements using the specified 'reducer' function

Aggregate(dset, state, folder, aggrFunc)
Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * state:'State * folder:Func<'State,'U,'State> * aggrFunc:Func<'State,'State,'State>) -> 'State
Type parameters: 'U, 'State

Fold the entire DSet with a fold function, an aggregation function, and an initial state. The initial state is deserialized (separately) for each partition. Within each partition, the elements are folded into the state variable using 'folder' function. Then 'aggrFunc' is used to aggregate the resulting state variables from all partitions to a single state.

Signature: dset:DSet<'U> -> IEnumerable<'U>
Type parameters: 'U

Returns the dataset as an IEnumerable<'U>

Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * keySelector:Func<'U,'K> * elementSelector:Func<'U,'U1> * resultSelector:Func<'K,IEnumerable<'U1>,'U2>) -> DSet<'U2>
Type parameters: 'U, 'K, 'U1, 'U2

Groups the elements of a dataset according to a specified key selector function and creates a result value from each group and its key. The elements of each group are projected by using a specified function.

Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * keySelector:Func<'U,'K> * resultSelector:Func<'K,IEnumerable<'U>,'U1>) -> DSet<'U1>
Type parameters: 'U, 'K, 'U1

Groups the elements of a dataset according to a specified key selector function and creates a result value from each group and its key.

Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * keySelector:Func<'U,'K> * elementSelector:Func<'U,'U1>) -> DSet<seq<'U1>>
Type parameters: 'U, 'K, 'U1

Groups the elements of a dataset according to a specified key selector function and projects the elements for each group by using a specified function.

GroupBy(dset, keySelector)
Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * keySelector:Func<'U,'K>) -> DSet<'K * List<'U>>
Type parameters: 'U, 'K

Groups the elements of a dataset according to a specified key selector function.

Select(dset, func)
Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * func:Func<'U,int,int64,'U1>) -> DSet<'U1>
Type parameters: 'U, 'U1

Creates a new dataset whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the dataset. The first integer index passed to the function indicates the partition, and the second integer passed to the function index (from 0) element within the partition

Select(dset, func)
Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * func:Func<'U,'U1>) -> DSet<'U1>
Type parameters: 'U, 'U1

Creates a new dataset whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the dataset.

SelectMany(dset, func)
Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * func:Func<'U,IEnumerable<'U1>>) -> DSet<'U1>
Type parameters: 'U, 'U1

Applies the given function to each element of the dataset and concatenates all the results.

Where(dset, func)
Signature: (dset:DSet<'U> * func:Func<'U,bool>) -> DSet<'U>
Type parameters: 'U

Creates a new dataset containing only the elements of the dataset for which the given predicate returns true.

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