Signature: serviceName:string -> bool
Is a local instance still running
Signature: (serverInfo:ContractServersInfo * serviceName:string * param:'StartParamType * func:(unit -> 'RType)) -> unit
Type parameters: 'StartParamType, 'RType
Launching Prajna Service on a group of remote nodes.
serviceName: name of the serivce
serverInfo: information of the server
param: parameter to be called by OnStart, must derive from WorkerRoleInstanceStartParam
func: the function to initialized the WorkerRoleInstance. This function will be executed as a closure remotely. The returned class must derive from WorkerRoleInstance.
Start(serviceName, func)
Signature: (serviceName:string * func:(unit -> 'RType)) -> unit
Type parameters: 'RType
Launching Prajna Service on a group of remote nodes.
serviceName: name of the serivce
param: parameter to be called by OnStart, must derive from WorkerRoleInstanceStartParam
func: the function to initialized the WorkerRoleInstance. This function will be executed as a closure remotely. The returned class must derive from WorkerRoleInstance.
Start(serviceName, param, func)
Signature: (serviceName:string * param:WorkerRoleInstanceStartParam * func:(unit -> 'RType)) -> unit
Type parameters: 'StartParamType, 'RType
Launching Prajna Service on a group of remote nodes.
serviceName: name of the serivce
param: parameter to be called by OnStart, must derive from WorkerRoleInstanceStartParam
func: the function to initialized the WorkerRoleInstance. This function will be executed as a closure remotely. The returned class must derive from WorkerRoleInstance.
Start(cl, serviceName, param, func)
Signature: (cl:Cluster * serviceName:string * param:'StartParamType * func:(unit -> 'RType)) -> unit
Type parameters: 'StartParamType, 'RType
Launching Prajna Service on a group of remote nodes.
serviceName: name of the serivce
param: parameter to be called by OnStart, must derive from WorkerRoleInstanceStartParam
func: the function to initialized the WorkerRoleInstance. This function will be executed as a closure remotely. The returned class must derive from WorkerRoleInstance.
StartLocal(serviceName, func)
Signature: (serviceName:string * func:(unit -> 'RType)) -> unit
Type parameters: 'RType
Launching Instance locally.
serviceName: name of the serivce
param: parameter to be called by OnStart, must derive from WorkerRoleInstanceStartParam
func: the function to initialized the WorkerRoleInstance. This function will be executed as a closure remotely. The returned class must derive from WorkerRoleInstance.
Return: toStop (a function can be called to terminate the current RoleInstance).
isRunning ( a Func that can be called to evaluate if the current RoleInstance is still running)
StartLocal(serviceName, param, func)
Signature: (serviceName:string * param:'StartParamType * func:(unit -> 'RType)) -> unit
Type parameters: 'StartParamType, 'RType
Launching Instance locally.
serviceName: name of the serivce
param: parameter to be called by OnStart, must derive from WorkerRoleInstanceStartParam
func: the function to initialized the WorkerRoleInstance. This function will be executed as a closure remotely. The returned class must derive from WorkerRoleInstance.
Return: toStop (a function can be called to terminate the current RoleInstance).
isRunning ( a Func that can be called to evaluate if the current RoleInstance is still running)
Stop(serverInfo, serviceName)
Signature: (serverInfo:ContractServersInfo * serviceName:string) -> unit
Stopping services on a set of servers
Signature: serviceName:string -> unit
Stopping Service on a group of remote nodes.
Stop(cl, serviceName)
Signature: (cl:Cluster * serviceName:string) -> unit
Stopping Service on a group of remote nodes.
Signature: serviceName:string -> unit
Stop a local instance