Signature: unit -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Flush the pending log entries
Signature: unit -> string
Modifiers: abstract
Print the usage information on string arguments that ParseArgs can parse for the LoggerProvider
Signature: unit -> string
Modifiers: abstract
Return latest log entries as a file (It's up to the provider to decide whether to return a file and how many entries to return)
Returns "null" if the provider has no such capability
IsEnabled(arg1, arg2)
Signature: (string * LogLevel) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract
For the specifed "log id", whether the specified "log level" is enabled
Log(arg1, arg2, arg3)
Signature: (string * LogLevel * string) -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Takes three parameters: log id, log level, log Message
Log(arg1, arg2)
Signature: (LogLevel * string) -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Takes two parameters: log level, log Message
Signature: (string []) -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Parse arguments that configs the behavior of the LoggerProvider