Signature: unit -> SocketAsyncEventArgs -> unit
Function to call when Send finishes
Signature: unit -> unit
Function to call when Send finishes
Signature: Component<RBufPart<byte>>
The internal Component used for receiving SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: Component<RBufPart<byte>>
The internal Component used for sending SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: string
A connection key to identify the connection
Signature: unit -> byte []
this specifies the current buffer being used to process and copy data from a received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> unit
this specifies the current buffer being used to process and copy data from a received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> StreamBase<byte>
If RecvDequeueGenericConn/x.ProcessRecvGenericConn are being used for component processing
this specifies the memorystream
Signature: unit -> unit
If RecvDequeueGenericConn/x.ProcessRecvGenericConn are being used for component processing
this specifies the memorystream
Signature: unit -> int
If RecvDequeueGenericConn/x.ProcessRecvGenericConn are being used for component processing
this specifies the offset within the buffer being to process and copy data from a received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> unit
If RecvDequeueGenericConn/x.ProcessRecvGenericConn are being used for component processing
this specifies the offset within the buffer being to process and copy data from a received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> int
If RecvDequeueGenericConn/x.ProcessRecvGenericConn are being used for component processing
this specifies the remaining size of the buffer being used to process and copy data from a received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> unit
If RecvDequeueGenericConn/x.ProcessRecvGenericConn are being used for component processing
this specifies the remaining size of the buffer being used to process and copy data from a received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> byte []
If ProcessSendGenericConn is being used used for sender component processing
this specifies the current buffer being processed and copied to a SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> unit
If ProcessSendGenericConn is being used used for sender component processing
this specifies the current buffer being processed and copied to a SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> int
If ProcessSendGenericConn is being used used for sender component processing
this specifies the offset in the current buffer being processed and copied to a SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> unit
If ProcessSendGenericConn is being used used for sender component processing
this specifies the offset in the current buffer being processed and copied to a SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> int
If ProcessSendGenericConn is being used used for sender component processing
this specifies the remainder of the current buffer being processed and copied to a SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> unit
If ProcessSendGenericConn is being used used for sender component processing
this specifies the remainder of the current buffer being processed and copied to a SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: RBufPart<byte>
Signature: unit -> DateTime
Signature: unit -> unit
Signature: unit -> DateTime
Signature: unit -> unit
Signature: unit -> int64
Set maximum number of tokens for connection
Signature: unit -> unit
Set maximum number of tokens for connection
Signature: unit -> Option<(IConn -> obj -> unit)>
Optional argument - function to call upon socket closing
Signature: unit -> unit
Optional argument - function to call upon socket closing
Signature: unit -> obj
State to be passed in when OnSocketClose is called
Signature: unit -> unit
State to be passed in when OnSocketClose is called
Signature: (furtherProcess:(unit -> ManualResetEvent)) -> rb:RBufPart<byte> -> bool * ManualResetEvent
Generic function for SocketAsyncEvent processing to be used by users of GenericConn class
A function to execute when CurBufRecvRem reaches zero
The function should return a ManualResetEvent - if it is non-null, processing cannot continue and receiving Component waits
In this implementation, thread pool is used for the receiver Component processing
The SocketAsyncEventArg being currently processed - not set by caller
An example of usage is the following:
x.CompRecv.Proc <- x.ProcessRecvGenericConn ProcessRecvCommand
where "x" is an instance of GenericConn class and ProcessRecvCommand is function to perform further processing
once x.CurBufRecvRem reaches zero
Signature: (furtherProcess:(unit -> ManualResetEvent)) -> rb:RBufPart<byte> -> bool * ManualResetEvent
Generic function for SocketAsyncEvent processing to be used by users of GenericConn class
A function to execute when CurBufRecvRem reaches zero
The function should return a ManualResetEvent - if it is non-null, processing cannot continue and receiving Component waits
In this implementation, thread pool is used for the receiver Component processing
The SocketAsyncEventArg being currently processed - not set by caller
An example of usage is the following:
x.CompRecv.Proc <- x.ProcessRecvGenericConn ProcessRecvCommand
where "x" is an instance of GenericConn class and ProcessRecvCommand is function to perform further processing
once x.CurBufRecvRem reaches zero
Signature: (enqueueAction:(RBufPart<byte> -> bool * ManualResetEvent)) -> (furtherProcess:(unit -> bool * bool)) -> bool * ManualResetEvent
A generic processor for copying buffers into SocketAsyncEventArgs for sending on network
The action to enqueue the SocketAsyncEventArgs once it is assembled
The function to call once CurBufSendRem reaches zero.
This function should return (bDone, bForceEnqueue) as (bool, bool)
- bDone represents whether we are done proecssing the item to be sent
- bForceEnqueue represents whether we should force the current SocketAsyncEventArgs on the queue or whether we should try
to coalesce more data from the next item onto the same SocketAsyncEventArgs
RecvDequeueGenericConn(dequeueAction e)
Signature: (dequeueAction:(RBufPart<byte> ref -> bool * ManualResetEvent)) -> (e:RBufPart<byte> ref) -> bool * ManualResetEvent
Generic function for recv dequeue to be used by users of GenericConn class
The action used to dequeue a SocketAsyncEventArgs to process
The SocketAsyncEventArg being processed
This function should be used by using following as example to set the component processors:
x.CompRecv.Dequeue <- x.RecvDequeueGenericConn x.CompRecv.Dequeue
where "x" is an instance of the GenericConn class - that is only dequeueAction should be specified
Signature: unit -> RBufPart<byte> -> bool * ManualResetEvent
The function to call to enqueue received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: unit -> unit
The function to call to enqueue received SocketAsyncEventArgs
Signature: (rb:RBufPart<byte> ref) -> unit
Release SA being processed on receiver side
The element to be released
Signature: unit -> int64
Set maximum sending speed for connection in bits per second
Signature: unit -> unit
Set maximum sending speed for connection in bits per second
Signature: (initTokens:int64 * maxTokens:int64 * mss:int * initSendSpeed:int64) -> unit
Set token usage - Optional if you wish to implement control of sending rate
The initial number of tokens
The maximum number of tokens
The sending speed in bits per second