

A class capable of reading/writing value types asynchronously using an underlying connection


Signature: conn:IConn -> GenericVal<'V>

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
AsyncRecvValue(callback, state)
Signature: (callback:(obj * 'V -> unit) * state:obj) -> unit

Asynchronously start receiving a value A callback which executes after receive completes. Passes in a state and the value retrieved (i.e. callback(state, value)) The state to be passed into the callback

AsyncSendValue(callback, state, value)
Signature: (callback:(obj -> unit) * state:obj * value:'V) -> unit

Asynchronously start sending a value A callback which executes after sending completes. Passes in state (i.e. callback(state)) The state to be passed in the callback The value to send

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