

Helper class to build HTML page based on template for WCF services.

Static members

Static memberDescription
Signature: (ctx:WebOperationContext * pageTemplate:byte [] * funcStore:Dictionary<char,(StringBuilder -> StringBuilder)>) -> Stream

Generate HTML page based on a page template, and converts tags via functional delegate installed.

Signature: (ctx:WebOperationContext * content:byte [] * placeHolder:char * info:(StringBuilder -> StringBuilder)) -> Stream

Serve HTML dynamic content through a template Please note that the content will not through HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

Signature: (ctx:WebOperationContext * content:byte [] * captionPlaceHolder:char * captionFunc:(StringBuilder -> StringBuilder) * tablePlaceHolder:char * tableSeqFunc:seq<seq<(StringBuilder -> StringBuilder)>>) -> Stream

Form a HTML table, where content is the template. We will replace caption and tableinfo. Please note that both caption and tableinfo has not passed through HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

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